Thursday, September 18, 2014

What is your vision?

What is your vision? Most great things that happen start with a vision. Without a vision we would not have things like the airplane, cars, or cell phones. Each person's vision will be different because we all want different things. A vision gives us purpose and helps us focus our efforts toward reaching our goals. If we do not have a purpose it is easy to give up. A vision differs from a goal because it is the ultimate thing that you want to accomplish in life. It is like a destination - once you know where you want to go, you choose a route and go until you reach your destination. Goals are like rest stops along the way that let you know you’re making progress (toward your vision). The father of self-help and the author of "Think and Grow Rich", Napoleon Hill calls this concept "Definiteness of Purpose". A purpose drives us all and without one, most of us wander aimlessly and never achieve anything. It keeps us grounded and disciplined to build the mindset: to give the continuous effort that it takes to be successful (I'll discuss this further in my next post).

My fiancee calls me obsessed, and sometimes, I argue that I am not; but honestly, I am. It is because I have no patience when it comes to my success, I am constantly thinking of it, visualizing it and working on it. I will not be the same person next year, I will get better because I have created a vision so clear and specific that it is real to me already. Over the years, as I've reached my goals, my vision has become larger. A couple of years ago I realized my vision was not detailed enough. I did not include a specific amount of income that I want to earn. Once I included my specific number. It took me five months to reach goals on the way to my vision. So BE SPECIFIC! And, continue to adjust your vision.

All visions should be greater than the person you are now. When you create your vision you should create a better you. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with you now, but we can always get better. Understand that your vision is you, only better. When you are creating your vision answer these simple questions:

WHO- Place your name in this section. If you don't want to be yourself choose someone successful that you would like to be - research them and follow their footprints. Remember, success leaves clues, so find them and follow them

WHAT - What do you want to be? Or do in life? Do you want to be wealthy, a lawyer, doctor, nurse, a business owner, car salesman? It doesn't matter as long as you will enjoy it. If you don't know, take some time to figure it out - because you need to earn income, and be happy doing it.

WHY- Why is achieving your vision important? Do you want to provide a better life for your family, financial freedom, start a business, or buy a home? Give yourself reasons not to ever quit your quest to your vision.

HOW- How much? Write a specific dollar amount that you want to make in a week a month and a year. Even if money isn't important to you.

WHEN- Set a date to accomplish these goals to create a sense of urgency and to set yourself into action. Action is vital.

Once this is complete write it down, read it over, and say it to yourself every day until it becomes so clear that you believe it. When it comes to your vision there are two things that happen. Either you reach them or you don't. There is no compromise! Your decisions can either take you closer or pull you further from your vision, so choose wisely. Use your vision to guide you in your decision making and goal setting. Once you believe your vision, it will then become a self-fulfilling prophecy which will be discussed more in my next post.

P.S. If you want to know my vision just ask.